
Exposed: A White Southerner That Is Not Insanely Devoted To Trump

We should be embarrassed for our country

Kylie Craft
4 min readJan 21, 2021


Photo by Nareeta Martin on Unsplash

The south is not rising again. The south wants peace and love and a unified America.

The south is getting blamed for the mass temper tantrum recently thrown at the White House by a group of supposed Trump supporters. I don’t know why or how southerners got blamed for these ridiculous shenanigans, but sayings such as, “The South shall rise again!” are all over social media. As a southerner, I could not be more different from those imbeciles that stormed the White House. Despite our reputation as southerners, we are not all hicks, racists, uneducated, violent or Republicans. We are all armed, though.

I am generally proud of the majority of my fellow southerners. We live and coexist together in a mostly peaceful society, where all races mix and call each other neighbor. We cook good food, have servant’s hearts and love our community. We want a cohesive country and unification. We want to be considered proud Americans first and a defining political party last. However, these past four years, combined with the quarantine, have caused fractures throughout the southern population and the rest of the country. I have severely reduced my time on social media because, to…

